Spelling Bee
The Southeast Regional Spelling Bee was held on Saturday, February 11, 2023. Scotland
Middle School Representatives were Campbell Mogck, Jacob Schaeffer, Carson Pietz, and Paisley Loomis. Campbell Mogck placed 3rd in the oral spelling bee, received a nice trophy, and will move on to state competition. Jacob Schaeffer placed 3rd in the written spelling bee and received a nice trophy. The state competition will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at USD. Campbell placed 8th at the State Competition! Congratulations to Campbell!!
The Scripps National Spelling Bee is an educational promotion
sponsored by the E.W. Scripps Company in conjunction with over 260 newspapers
around the world. Its purpose is to help students improve their spelling,
increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage
that will help them all their lives. The 2023 Scripps National
Spelling Bee will involve more than ten million students at the local level and
over 270 national finalists.
The 2023 Scripps National Spelling Bee took place at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, during the week of Memorial Day 2023. Visit www.spellingbee.com
beginning May 1st for a full 2023 competiton schedule.
Congratulations to this year's participant!!

Campbell Mogck-3rd place@2023regions Jacob Schaeffer-3rd place written contest Carson Pietz, Jacob, Campbell, and Paisley Loomis
Campbell Mogck-8th place@2023 State Spelling Bee
Past Participants...

Noah-2nd place@ 2022 regions Noah-8th place@state Ki Brown Chloe Davis

2021 Spelling Bee - Noah Pietz @ the state competition (placed in the top 15).

2020 Spelling Bee - Noah Pietz, Katelyn Jonas, and Olivia Binde
Katelyn Jonas and Isabelle Henry - 2019 Tatum Andretta, Patience Starwalt, & Alexander Calhoon - 2018
Alexander Calhoon - 2nd place written Spelling Bee Lillian Bell, Taya Bult, and Claire Janish - 2017

Taya Bult - 2016 Paige Raker, Taya Bult, and Luke Kavanagh - 2015 Zach Radcliffe, Mason Dennis, and Michael Lange - 2014

Kristina Hlavac, Dallas Fuerst, and Kerry Cosman - 2013 Kyra Sundleaf, Logan Fischer, and Kerry Cosman - 2012 Kyra, Kerry, and Logan - 2012

Sawyer Schmitz, Emily Hagge, and Dymond Johnson - 2011 Hannah Mogck, Josh Vaith, and Anthony Radcliffe - 2010 Kennidy Asche - 2009 Regional Spelling Bee - 2nd place

Kennidy Asche - 2008 Regional Spelling Bee - 1st place, placed 6th at the State Competition